Are Your Urgent Cares Leaving
Revenue on the Table?

Get A Free
RCM Audit
To Find Out!


Start Your Free Audit Today!

With a Med USA RCM Audit, our expert billing team will comb through your urgent care's revenue cycle processes and find any missed cash-flow opportunities that may have left on the table. We'll also provide you with actionable steps to reduce your A/R days and improve your patient experience! 

Your Free Urgent Care RCM Report Includes:


Collection Rate Report

These fully-customizable reports give you unmatched transparency into your urgent care's collection rates and potential revenue loss channels.


Coding Error Analysis

Med USA's expert RCM team an in-depth provider documentation and coding error review of your facility's billing processes and provide actionable steps to optimize.


Compliance Review

Compliance is an moving target in the healthcare industry. Our compliance team ensures that your facilities are up-to-date with ever-changing regulations and legislation. 

A/R Issue Discovery

Med USA's RCM team comb through your processes and locate current and potential issues that are preventing you from receiving payment in a timely manner.

America's Most Trusted Urgent Care RCM Experts Since 1979


Patient Visits


Average Days
To Payment

